Sunday, November 23, 2008

RSG trial prep

Trial of Chairman Mao: Witness Question Sheet Directions: You as a witness are to write four questions and answers in the perspective of your character using the book as a reference. You should find passages from the novel in support of Chairman Mao OR evidence against him depending the side of the case you are representing. Remember to USE page numbers and POST these questions on your blog. Lawyers, use this document to create cross-examination questions. Two per character should be sufficient.
Character: Ji-Li
Student name: Melanie Therond

1) Question: How did your class status affect your life in the cultural revolution?
Answer: Well first of all it was a great shock for me because I started of as a respected and admired student(p.1). But then when the cultural revolution started taking in consideration political backgrounds I lost all the respect I had and my class status crashed down to black(unreliable)(p.57-p.59). My class status also stopped me from doing a lot of things such as being an army liberation(p.8-p.10) dancer and a red successor(p.57-p.59). Having a black class status also made me make hard decisions for example needing to choose between my family or being an educable child(p.224-228). Over all my class status pretty much made me sink down ,low away from my happy life and I think it is terrible how such a small thing can turn out to be so big and important.
2)Question: How did you feel when you were sent to the fields?
Answer:They forced me to choose my country over my family who needed me. I had wanted to go to the factory but then Chang hong convinced me to go to the country side(p.232-p.233). They expected to me to leave my sick mother and my grandmother alone to take care of my brother and sister. They had no heart they didn't understand that my father was locked up and that my family were having a hard time. They didn't care they just thought I should forget about my family who needed me and go off to be a faithful follower of Mao(p.232-233).

3)Question: What did the search party to when they came to search your house?
Answer: The first time they searched our house they left in a terrible state.It hurt me watching them look carelessly through my treasured and private possessions not paying any attention about how fragile the object was. By the end of the search my room . The house was in the state of a garbage dump nearly everything we owned had been shredded to pieces or taken away(p.133-138). The second time they came was even worse it was during my farther was locked up. When they arrived they searched our house for the letter complaining about the situation in the theater(p.251-p.255). To make us tell them where it was hidden he humiliated our mother and grandmother by calling them landlords wives and he hit our grandmother(p.253). Then he made her kneel down and face the wall(p.253). He told us that if we cared about her we should confess and that if we didn't she would stay there forever(p.253). When they finally found the letter they said to my mother that she would be part of my Father's struggle meeting (p.255)and they said to my grandmother that she would sweep the streets(p.256).
Over all the people who led the search parties treated me and my family badly and they took no respect for our possessions.

4)Question: How did you feel about your father being locked up?
Answer: The idea of my father being locked up scared me and my family. We were all very tense because we didn't know if our father was alive, injured or dead. When I went to bring my father clothes I was relieved to see him standing and alive but he looked worn out(p.189). There I saw him carrying concrete pipes, they were making him to work to try to make him confess(p.188). My father gone made every body very worried Grandma would cry when ever she thought about him(p.191) and she would pray for him every night(p183). My father not being home worried me greatly and we couldn't wait until he came back.